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Boutique Consulting – Tailored Solutions with Higher Standard

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Crafting Professional Development That Fits Like a Glove

At Higher Standard Education Service and Consulting, we believe that the key to exceptional education lies in continuous growth. Our professional development offerings are designed not only to inspire and enlighten but also to equip educators with modern tools and methodologies that cater to diverse student needs.


Our Boutique Approach

We begin by partnering with organizational leaders to truly understand their current scenarios. Through a blend of dialogues, assessments, and reviews, we pinpoint the specific areas that require enhancement.


Custom-Tailored Design

Our solutions are not off-the-shelf. Each professional development program is crafted to align with the identified needs. We meticulously design our sessions to bridge existing gaps and propel organizations toward their local and district goals.

Beyond Generic Solutions

We don't believe in a "one-size-fits-all" philosophy. Every organization has its own ethos, challenges, and aspirations. Can you imagine if everyone had to wear leggings?!

Our boutique consulting approach ensures that our solutions resonate deeply with your organization's culture and objectives.


We're not just consultants; we're collaborators!


Focused Outcomes

Our boutique style ensures that we're laser-focused on results. Our sessions are not just informative but transformative. Our relationship doesn't end with a session. We remain engaged, offering insights, feedback, and support as you implement strategies and achieve milestones.


Our Focus Areas


Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Transform traditional teaching techniques to be more inclusive.

Craft lesson plans that accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities.

Foster an environment where every student thrives.


Inclusion and Co-Teaching

Implement practical strategies for inclusive classrooms.

Harness the power of collaborative teaching.

Ensure every student feels seen, heard, and valued.


Culturally Relevant Approaches and Practices

Understand the difference between equality and equity.

Create learning environments that acknowledge and celebrate the cultural community.

Create heightened awareness of diversity in the classroom.


Why Choose Higher Standard for Professional Development?

Our team, led by Dr. Courtney Revels-Turner, brings decades of hands-on experience in special education, inclusion, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).


Customized Training: We understand that one size doesn't fit all! Our training modules are tailored to your organization's specific needs and challenges.


Our Interactive Workshops go beyond theory, our workshops offer practical scenarios, group discussions, and actionable takeaways! 


Higher Standard Education Service and Consulting

Led by Dr. Courtney Revels-Turner

Serving the educators of today to shape the leaders of tomorrow.


Connect with us to schedule a professional development plan tailored to your organization’s needs!

Let’s Work Together

2218 Summitt St. (Rear)

Columbus OH 43201

Tel: 614-736-7493

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